Mountain Madness Preview

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Wednesday June 22, Basalt to Hotchkiss (77 Miles)

Today is another one-humper. The only thing that stands between you, a beverage, and some well deserved rack time is McClure Pass. The route from Basalt to Hotchkiss follows the Crystal River from Carbondale through Redstone and Marble to the top of McClure Pass at 8,755 feet. Carry a camera as this is one of the most beautiful areas in the state. From the top of McClure Pass you will descend into coal country and pass through the mining towns of Somerset, Bowie, and Paonia before reaching your hotel in Hotchkiss. The struggle for the west is in full swing here with hairy knuckled miners and oil drillers battling bunny-hugging trust-a-farians for control of the local politics. Paonia is home of the Mountain Coal Company, West Elk Mine, High Country Citizens Alliance, and world headquarters for the High Country News. Be sure to argue politics with the locals as you pass through.

McClure pass is the only obstacle on today’s ride.

McClure Pass

Enjoy the short day as the next three are going to be long. Accommodations are at the Hotchkiss Inn. Sorry, no hot tubs or other luxuries, but you will have a shower and roof over your head for the night.

Below you will find a view from Keyhole showing the start of the day at the bottom (with a larger pushpin) and the end of the day at the top (with a smaller pushpin).

*** Note These Satellite Photos and Maps are Only Suggestive of Our Route ***

*** Note These Satellite Photos and Maps are Only Suggestive of Our Route ***

*** Note These Satellite Photos and Maps are Only Suggestive of Our Route ***

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